
ONCOSOFT and weknew announce agreement for accurate radiation therapy information

[Medigate] Imsol |
Bo-YulHwang, CEO of weknew (left) and Jin-Sung Kim, CEO of ONCOSOFT (right)

Oncosoft, an artificial intelligence radiation cancertreatment software development company, and weknew, a digital medicalinformation platform company, announced on the 15th that they have signed a memorandumof understanding (MoU) to spread accurate radiotherapy information.


In Korea, 230,000 cancer patients are diagnosed annually,and 85,000, or about 36% of all cancer patients, receive radiation therapy.Amid the growing importance of radiation cancer treatment, Oncosoft, founded in2019, developed Oncostudio, an AI-based radiation treatment planning software,and received approval for a Class 2 medical device license from the Ministry ofFood and Drug Safety last year. It also operates IntergRO (Radiation Oncology),a big data platform for radiation treatment, and provides integrated servicesfor radiation treatment to medical staff and patients.


weknew, a digital healthcare knowledge platform, developsand distributes evidence-based health knowledge created in collaboration withacademic societies, university hospitals, and specialists. It solves theproblem of health literacy by making difficult medical knowledge easy tounderstand for the general public through graphic-based medical knowledge.


Through this business agreement, the two organizationswill jointly promote ▲ aproject to spread evidence-based radiotherapy medical information ▲ a project for patient-customized AI-basedprecision radiotherapy. The field of radiation oncology is a field wherecutting-edge technology is applied, and it is becoming increasingly importantto provide accurate information to the public about new treatments, such as therecent introduction of the first heavy particle therapy machine in Korea atYonsei Medical Center.


"The radiation cancer treatment field is a fieldwhere the decision of professional medical staff treating tumors is important,and after that, continuous observation, sufficient communication betweenpatients and medical staff, and joint decision-making are important.""Through this agreement, we expect that the cancer patient-centeredmedical information service that Oncosoft has been preparing since the launchof OncoStudio will be newly developed into a patient-customized service byproviding accurate radiation cancer treatment information to patients,"said Jinsung Kim, CEO of Oncosoft.


Mr. Hwang Bo-yul, CEO of weknew,said, "The level of medical services that people want is graduallyincreasing. By providing patients with the radiation cancer treatmentinformation they want, we can create trust between medical staff andpatients." "Through this agreement, we hope to develop and spreadmedical knowledge about reliable radiation treatment information and newmedical technologies in the field of radiation treatment."